8 Signs Your Monstera Is Happy and Healthy

By: Joanna
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Are you curious to know if your Monstera plant is living its best life? Figuring out if your leafy buddy is happy and healthy might seem tricky, but it’s all about spotting the right signs.

Luckily for you, there are some clear indicators that show your Monstera is more than just surviving—it’s thriving!

In this guide, I’m going to walk you through 8 signs that your Monstera is happy under your care.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able to spot these happy hints and feel like a proud plant parent, knowing you’re doing everything right for your green companion.

Leaves Bright and Growing Strong

Ever peeked at your Monstera and noticed how its luxurious leaves are shining back at you? Those deep green, glossy leaves are like a secret handshake between your plant and you – a sign that you’re doing something right.

Here are the growth stats you’re looking for:

  • Height: Monsteras can shoot up quite a few inches within a season.
  • Leaf Production: Expect a fresh leaf every 3-6 weeks when it’s happy.

But hey, if your Monstera is growing slowly, don’t fret just yet. Some slow growth is normal, especially during the less sunny seasons.

Stems Standing Tall and Strong

A Monstera with strong and upright stems is a true sign of health and happiness. Think of the stem as the plant’s superhighway, bustling with activity, delivering life-sustaining supplies to each leaf.

To gauge your Monstera’s vitality, look out for these signs:

  • Stems that stand tall and mighty
  • No bending or breakage under the mature leaves’ weight

If your Monstera’s stems are reaching for the sky, sporting a thick and verdant look, it’s giving you a green thumbs up!

Healthy and Strong Roots

Just like a superhero’s strength, a plant’s vitality stems right from below the soil line. When peeking at the roots, what you want to see is a bunch of white or light tan tendrils that are firm to the touch!

If you gently feel these roots and they have a certain springiness, congrats, you’ve got yourself the hallmark of health under the earth.

Here’s a quick checklist for root vigor:

  • Color: Seek out a creamy white or light tan.
  • Texture: They should feel firm, like a healthy branch, not mushy.

Remember, roots are often out of sight, but they should never be out of mind. A peek below the soil now and then keeps surprises at bay.

Fenestration: Happy and Healthy Leaf Patterns

Fenestration isn’t just about looks – it’s a clever adaptation from their tropical homes, allowing light to filter through to lower leaves and the plant to withstand windy weather.

When your Monstera showcases large leaves with robust fenestration, it’s like a botanical salute to your gardening skills! Your plant buddy is telling you it’s in a good spot – literally and figuratively.

But, how can you tell that your leafy friend is not just surviving, but thriving? Look for the following signs:

  • Age: Patience is key! Usually, fenestration starts when your Monstera hits the 1.5 to 3-year mark.
  • Light: Monsteras love their sunshine, but not directly. They prefer the sun-dappled look of bright, indirect light.
  • Support: A moss pole or trellis can help your plant reach new heights – and splits!

Here’s a dedicated article on how to encourage leaf splitting in Monstera.

Strong Against Pests and Diseases

While no Monstera is entirely immune to troublemakers like mealybugs or spider mites, those that are pampered with proper care tend to shrug off such annoyances with ease.

A happy Monstera’s leaves are virtually a bug’s no-fly zone—and should any daring pests decide to visit, a healthy plant rebounds faster than you can say “neem oil.”

So, what are the signs that your Monstera is the Arnold Schwarzenegger of the plant world when it comes to pest and disease resistance?

  • Minimal signs of pests: You rarely catch sight of white, cottony mealybugs or those pesky mites.
  • Quick bounce-back: If your Monstera does face an infestation, it recovers quicker than you flick through your favorite gardening mag.
  • Sturdy leaves: They stand up to would-be invaders with the confidence of a green-thumbed gardener.

Responsive to Care Adjustments

If you notice that your Monstera is saying ‘Thanks, I’m loving it here!’ instead of ‘Wait, what are you doing to me!?’ after the care adjustments, it means your tropical buddy is giving you positive feedback

Made some recent care adjustments? Observe these key signals:

  • Brighter or larger leaves: Shows approval of the change.
  • Fast recovery after repotting: A sign of robust health.
  • Quick healing of cut areas: Indicates your plant’s strength.
  • New Growth: Post-watering or fertilizing, a happy Monstera pushes out new leaves.

Keep up the good work, and your Monstera will continue to show its gratitude with gorgeous growth.

Balanced Leaf Size and Shape

Ever wondered if your Monstera is throwing a party and you’re invited? Just look at its leaves!

When your green buddy’s leaves are uniform in size and boast that signature symmetrical shape, you know it’s happy as a clam.

However, some variation in leaf size and shape is totally normal and part of what makes your plant uniquely yours.

Here’s what those happy leaves tell you:

  • Perfect Proportions: A leaf that’s not too big, not too small, just right for its stage of growth.
  • Symmetry Says it All: Each leaf has a balanced, even look – like it’s been drawn with a protractor!
  • All Around Awesome: The leaves are distributed evenly, giving your plant that lush, full vibe.

Related: Monstera Leaf Care Tips

Absence of Discoloration

The color of a Monstera leaf is like a secret code for its health. When there’s no yellowing or browning, you know you’re on the right track.

  • Bright and Uniform Green Leaves: The uniform green color is the gold standard. That emerald hue is not just for show; it suggests that your plant is getting just the right amount of water and nutrients.
  • No Yellow or Brown Spots: It’s like getting a green light from a traffic signal. No yellow or brown marks? You’re good to go!

So, give yourself a pat on the back when you see that consistent green—it’s a sign you and your Monstera are doing great!