Monstera Not Climbing: 3 Reasons & Solutions for Your Stubborn Plant

By: Joanna
Post date:

Monsteras are natural climbers, and watching your plant scale new heights is not just satisfying but also beneficial for its health, growth, and appearance.

Now, what could be holding your monstera back from its vertical aspirations? It could be anything from insufficient support to inappropriate light conditions.

As we unwrap the reasons behind this climbing conundrum, we’ll also arm you with solutions to help your Monstera reach its potential.

monstera not climbing

Unraveling The Mystery Of Non-Climbing Monsteras

Let’s crack the code on why some Monsteras won’t climb and how you can nudge them up that trellis.

#1 Insufficient Light

Monstera plants adore bright, indirect light to show off their climbing superpowers. Without enough of it, your leafy buddy will have a hard time climbing.

Think of it like trying to climb a ladder with one hand tied behind your back. Insufficient light can also cause your plant to become leggy and weak, meaning it will stretch out and appear sparse.

#2 Potting And Soil Issues

Too dense soil and your Monstera roots can’t breathe; too loose, and they won’t get the support they need. Aim for a well-draining and aerated mix to keep these climbing champs happy.

Fertilization is like those vitamins you take in the morning: absolutely essential. Your Monstera requires a balanced feed to flex its climbing muscles.

#3 A Lack of Support

Monstera plants, in their natural rainforest homes, are quite the social climbers, using trees for support. Without a pal to lean on at home, they can end up sprawling awkwardly and may even forget how to climb altogether.

A support not only gives your Monstera a direction to grow but also prevents the embarrassment of it toppling over under its own weight.

Related: Train Your Monstera to Climb

Different Support Structures For Monstera

Let’s now examine some of the most common and effective support structures for Monstera, ensuring it receives the right support to thrive and stand tall.

Bamboo Stake

Why Use a Bamboo Stake?

  • Natural Look: Bamboo stakes blend with your plant’s tropical vibe.
  • Affordability: They won’t break the bank. You can find them at most gardening stores.
  • Versatility: You can secure it to any height as your Monstera grows.

How to Install a Bamboo Stake:

  1. Choose a stake slightly taller than your plant to allow for growth.
  2. Gently push the stake into the potting soil, close to the plant but avoiding the roots.
  3. Use soft ties to attach the Monstera to the stake at various points.

Moss Pole

Setting It Up a Moss Pole:

  1. Positioning: Place the pole into the pot securely, beside the plant.
  2. Training: Gently tie your Monstera’s stems to the pole with soft ties.

Maintenance Tips:

  • Keep it moist, not soggy. A spray bottle can be your best pal here.
  • Be a good sport and mist your buddy occasionally, it loves the extra-humid love.

Wooden Trellis

Why Opt for a Wooden Trellis?

  • Elegant Structure: A wooden trellis, with its crisscrossing slats or rods, offers a perfect climbing framework for your plant, supporting its journey upwards with strength and a natural pattern to emulate.
  • Decorative Charm: Beyond mere functionality, a trellis serves as a stunning decor piece. It can turn a dull wall into a vibrant display of greenery, enhancing your space with a living artwork.

How to Install a Wooden Trellis:

  1. Select a trellis that complements the size of your plant and the intended growth area.
  2. Position the trellis against a stable backdrop or in the pot, ensuring it’s firmly anchored.
  3. Use soft ties to gently secure the Monstera’s stems to the trellis at various points, encouraging upward growth.

Wall Hooks And Fishing Line

Here’s what you need:

  • Small Wall Hooks: These little guys are your anchors. Space them out along the wall near your Monstera to create a pathway for it to follow.
  • Transparent Fishing Line: The fishing line connects to the hooks, giving your Monstera something to cling to.

Setting it up:

  1. Install the Hooks: Place them where your Monstera’s vines can naturally reach. Think horizontal and vertical patterns, mimicking a lattice.
  2. Tie the Line: Securely tie one end of the fishing line to the first hook, and weave it through the rest creating a pattern for your Monstera to follow.

When Should You Give Monstera Climbing Support?

Alright, let’s discuss the right time to step in and provide your Monstera with climbing support, ensuring it gets the help it needs to grow upwards and stay healthy.

Aerial Roots Starting to Show Up

Noticed some funky little roots sprouting into the air from your leafy friend? Those are aerial roots, and they’re built for climbing and grabbing onto stuff in the wild.

When aerial roots start sprouting, it’s a clear indicator your plant buddy is hitting maturity and is ready for a bit of extra love and support.

These aerial roots, often seen dangling over the pot’s edge, are Monstera’s way of exploring and anchoring itself, especially as it ages.

Bent or Arching Stems

Bent or arching stems are a bit of a drama queen, but they are actually your plant’s quirky little way of looking for help. And without a helping hand, they might just snap or lead to a plant-topple disaster.

Providing a sturdy support structure is like giving your plant a reliable friend to lean on, preventing any breakage, and maintaining that gorgeous upright posture.

Horizontal Growth

If your Monstera is getting a bit too horizontal for your liking, it’s trying to tell you something. This sideways growth is a sign that it’s craving for some vertical space to climb towards the light.

By introducing a structure for it to latch onto, you’re not just encouraging upward growth but ensuring it gets all the light it needs to flourish.

Care And Maintenance For Climbing Monsteras

Now that your Monstera is proudly climbing, it’s crucial to keep up the support and care to ensure it thrives in its vertical journey.

Watering Wisely

Here’s a quick checklist:

  • Check the soil: Insert your finger into the soil up to the second knuckle. No moisture? Time for hydration!
  • Water thoroughly: Your goal is a good soak without turning the pot into a swamp.
  • Drainage is key: After watering, let your plant’s pot drain completely – no Monstera-made puddles allowed!

To keep things simple and predictable, why not schedule a regular check-up? It’s like setting a coffee date with your plant, and who doesn’t love that?

But, remember, no two Monsteras are the same; they’re like us, unique and with their own needs. Your plant’s thirst levels may vary with changes in light, temperature, and season, so keep an eye on your green companion and adjust accordingly.

Feeding Properly

From spring to fall, your green buddy needs to be nourished. Simply grab a balanced houseplant fertilizer and get ready to whip up a half-strength delicacy.

Here’s a quick mix guide:

  • Full strength: Imagine a hungry, full-size meal.
  • Half strength: Now cut that meal in half—that’s what your Monstera craves.

Feeding Schedule:

  • Once in April? Check!
  • Twice in July? You got it!

The Process:

  1. Take the fertilizer.
  2. Dilute as per instructions (cut it down to 50%!).
  3. Apply it at the base, and watch your Monstera gulp it down with gusto.

Now, it’s easy to overdo it with the “food,” so resist that temptation. Stick to a monthly or bimonthly schedule—it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Humidity For Healthy Climbing

Let’s get into some simple tricks to keep the air around your Monstera as moist as a morning dew.

Creating a Humid Haven:

  • Humidifier: This is a no-brainer. Using a humidifier near your plant will give it the tropical vibes it craves.
  • Pebble Tray: Fill a tray with pebbles, add water just below the top of the pebbles, and place your plant on top. The water will evaporate, upping the moisture level in the air.
  • Misting Bottle: Grab a spray bottle and mist your plant’s leaves daily. It’s like giving your Monstera a mini rainforest experience.
  • Plant Friends: Group your plants together. They’ll create a microclimate of shared humidity, which is pretty much like having their own plant party.
MethodHow It Helps
HumidifierIncreases air moisture
Pebble TrayEvaporation adds humidity
MistingMimics natural dew
Grouping PlantsCreates a microclimate

Optimizing Light Exposure

Finding the perfect glow for your green friend isn’t as tricky as you might think:

  • Morning Brew and Sun: Position your plant near an east-facing window where it gets to enjoy the morning light.
  • Sheer Brilliance: If the only spot you’ve got gets a lot of sun, no worries. Dress your window in sheer curtains to soften the rays.

Giving it the right light to your Monstara is like giving it a map and a compass. Guide it upwards!

Temperature Considerations

Your Monstera needs to live in the “Goldilocks zone”—not too hot, not too cold. Specifically, you’re aiming for 65°F to 85°F.

Here’s how to keep your Monstera happy with the temperature:

  • Keep it Warm
  • Avoid Drafts
  • Be Consistent

If it’s getting chilly, consider a plant-approved heater, but don’t overdo it. Keep an eye on that thermometer and your Monstera will continue showing you its climbing skills even more!