10 Monstera Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

By: Joanna
Post date:

Often, plant enthusiasts are flooded with well-meaning advice that can be misleading or outdated. Myths about their care and cultivation abound, creating confusion for both new and experienced plant owners alike.

In the world of Monsteras, misinformation can lead to common mistakes in plant care that may hinder the health and growth of these tropical beauties.

It’s time to shed some light and separate the facts from fiction.

monstera myths

Myth #1: Monsteras Need Direct Sunlight

Have you heard the one about Monsteras loving a sunbath? Let’s clear the air!

While your green buddy sure enjoys bright spots in your home, too much sun exposure is a no-go. So, where’s the sweet spot for your Monstera’s tan?

  • Bright, indirect light is your Monstera’s best friend. Think of it like a sun hat for your plant – protection with a dose of sunshine.
  • Direct sun can be a heartbreaker for those luscious leaves, causing brown spots and leaf burn.
  • Ever peeked at a rainforest floor? Monsteras hang out under a leafy canopy, grabbing their light à la carte – filtered, please!

So, how do you get this lighting right?

  • Window Wise: A window that bathes your Monstera in indirect light is the ideal chill spot.
  • Sheer Genius: Sheer curtains aren’t just chic, they’re also perfect for softening harsh sunlight.

Myth #2: Monsteras Don’t Need Support

Another common misconception is that Monstera plants don’t need support. Let’s set the record straight!

In their natural habitat, Monsteras are a bit like the Tarzans of the plant world—true vining plants swinging from tree to tree. Or, more accurately, they climb up the trees.

  • Growth: Vertical growth encouraged by supports prevents Monsteras from becoming leggy and sprawling.
  • Health: Supports simulate the natural conditions, promoting a sturdier structure and potentially more robust development.

What kind of support?

  • Stakes: A simple stake can suffice for smaller plants.
  • Moss poles: Ready to take things up a notch? Try a moss pole! It’s a fan favorite for encouraging aerial roots to grip and climb.
  • Trellises: If you like a touch of artistry, trellises offer both form and function.

Myth #3: Monsteras Can Only Be Propagated in Spring

Have you heard the tale that Monsteras must awake from their winter slumber to sprout anew only under the vernal equinox’s touch? Let’s bring some clarity to this leafy misconception.

While the zest of spring indeed ushers in a wave of growth, your Monstera isn’t limited to a calendar to begin its journey of propagation.

Here’s a root-level breakdown:

  • Best time? Springtime is like a green flag for propagation, but it’s not exclusive. Monsteras can embark on their propagation voyage any season!
  • Need a node? Absolutely. Grab a stem cutting that has at least one of these mighty nodes. Think of it like a Monstera’s command center for new life.
  • What about aerial roots? If you spot these on your cutting, you’re witnessing the potential tendrils of future stability and water absorption.

So, while spring might be the gold medalist season for Monstera propagation, you can certainly give it a go any time you feel inspired. Your indoor jungle need not wait for the equinox to expand.

Myth #4: Monsteras Can Only Thrive in High Humidity Environments

Monsteras enjoy a splash of humidity—it’s in their tropical nature. But to say they can only thrive in high humidity? That’s a myth ripe for debunking!

Humidity is like a nice-to-have for these leafy friends. Think of it like this: your Monstera putting on a tropical shirt for the vibe, but it can totally rock jeans and a t-shirt just as well. Here’s the real scoop:

  • Adaptable Plants: Monsteras are quite chill when it comes to their environment. Average indoor humidity levels, which usually hover around 40-60%, are just fine for them.
  • Keeping It Moist: It’s more about avoiding dehydration than living in a mini rainforest. The trick is to keep their soil consistently moist—this is where they take their drinks from.
  • Enhancing Growth: Sure, if you’re feeling generous, you can give them a humidity boost. A spritz of water or a humidity tray can make them perk up, but it’s not a requirement for their survival.

Myth #5: Monsteras Are Immune to Pests and Diseases

Heard the rumor that your Monstera is invincible against attack by pests and diseases? Let’s squash that myth! Your beloved plant needs just as much care as any other to stay healthy.

While Monsteras are sturdy plants, they’re not superheroes. Pests don’t pass them by. In fact, spider mites, mealybugs, fungus gnats, and aphids could be plotting an invasion on your green pal without you even knowing it.

So, what can you do?

Regular Inspections:

  • Keep a close eye out for tell-tale signs of pests.
  • You might see tiny webs (spider mites), sticky leaves (aphids), or cottony spots (mealybugs).

Preventive Care:

  • Overwatering is a no-no; it can lead to root rot.
  • Ensure the soil drains well to keep your Monstera’s roots happy and disease-free.

Myth #6: Monsteras Should Be Watered Daily

Have you heard the one about Monsteras needing a daily sprinkle? Let’s unravel this soggy story and set your watering can on the right path!

Monsteras are no cacti, but they have more in common with their desert friends than you might think when it comes to quenching their thirst.

Contrary to popular belief, showering your Monstera with water every day can lead to a rather unhappy plant.

Here’s the scoop:

  • Overwatering? It’s the fastest route to root rot and a one-way ticket to plant heaven.
  • Dry spell: Monsteras fancy a little breather between drinks, preferring the top inch of their soil to go dry before the next water rendezvous.
  • Weekly watering dates: Most likely, you’ll find yourself grabbing the watering can just once a week. Check the soil – if that top inch has dried out, it’s time for a soak!

Myth #7: Monsteras Don’t Need Fertilizer

Have you heard someone say that your Monstera plant doesn’t need any extra nutrients? Well, let’s dig into that soil and uncover the truth.

Your Monstera is like a growing athlete—it needs proper nutrition to perform its best! Here’s the skinny on fertilizing these leafy beauties:

Growing Season Nutrition:

Spring to Fall:

  • These are your Monstera’s heavy-lifting months! During this period, they’re stretching out, reaching for the sky, and popping out new leaves like it’s their job (because it kind of is).
  • Mix in a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every now and then. Look for equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to keep it simple.

Fertilization Frequency:

  • Less is more! You wouldn’t scarf down a whole pizza every day, right? (Or would you?) Your Monstera feels the same about fertilizer. A little goes a long way.
  • Follow the leader: Instructions on the fertilizer label are there for a reason. Stick to them like a trusty sidekick, and you’ll be golden.

Myth #8: Monsteras Prefer To Be Root-Bound

You might heard that your Monstera is perfectly happy being snug as a bug in its pot, getting cozy and root-bound, and that it helps them grow faster, right? Not exactly!

In the world of plant care, being “root-bound” means the roots have filled up the pot, leaving little room for expansion or access to fresh nutrients. It’s a bit like wearing shoes two sizes too small—uncomfortable to say the least!


  • Tolerance vs. Preference: Sure, Monsteras can handle being a little snug in their pots, but it’s not their preferred state!
  • Time for a Change: It’s recommended to repot your Monstera about every 1-2 years. This isn’t just for kicks; it’s to give your green buddy the best shot at flourishing.
  • Room to Grow: When choosing a new pot, think bigger (but not too big). You’re aiming for a pot that allows for some rooting room—perhaps one that’s 1-3 inches larger in diameter than the previous one.

Myth #9: You Should Unfurl New Monstera Leaves

Not true! Your Monstera knows best when it comes to the art of leaf-unfurling. Those new, tender leaves are designed to emerge and expand on their timeline.

So, what happens if we play the role of Mother Nature and start unfurling those leaves ourselves?

Risks of Premature Unfurling:

  • Damage to the delicate new growth can occur.
  • Interruption of the natural unfurling process can lead to deformation.
  • Your plant might get stressed (yeah, plants get stressed too!).

The wisest move is to allow nature to take its course. Have you ever watched a sunrise and wanted to speed it up? Nope, some things are meant to be enjoyed slowly, and leaf unfurling is one of them.

Myth #10: Cutting the Aerial Roots Will Harm Monsteras

Firstly, let’s get this out of the way—those quirky aerial roots are perfectly natural and are there for a reason.

Why are aerial roots so important?

  • They give your plant a solid hug, meaning stability is their middle name.
  • They’re like little nutrient straws, sipping on moisture and goodness around them.

But here’s the twist—trimming them isn’t the plant catastrophe you might have feared.

When could a trim be in order?

  • If they’re getting a little too wild and turning your living room into a jungle maze, a tidy-up might be due.
  • When they start resembling something from a sci-fi film rather than a plant, you might also consider a snip.