Monstera in the Moonlight: Could Lunar Phases Influence Your Plant’s Growth?

By: Joanna
Post date:

Have you ever marveled at your Monstera’s silhouette against the moonlit sky and wondered if there’s more to this picturesque scene?

Well, you’re in for a treat!

‘Monstera in the Moonlight’ goes beyond visual charm, hinting at the intriguing notion that lunar phases might influence your plant’s growth.

Let’s uncover the mystical relationship between the moon’s cycles and your Monstera’s sprouts.

monstera under the moonlight

The Lunar Connection

Historically, gardeners have sworn by the moon’s influence on planting and harvesting. It’s not just folklore; there’s a rhythm to this madness.

The phases of the moon, from new to full, have long been thought to impact plant growth in various ways. But what about our beloved Monstera?

Let’s break it down.

New Moon Energy

Ah, the New Moon, a sliver of promise in the night sky, signaling fresh starts and new beginnings. This phase is perfect for those looking to propagate their Monstera plants.

Why? Well, it’s believed that the gravitational pull of the new moon helps pull water up towards the soil surface, encouraging seed germination and root growth.

So, if you’ve been eyeing a lush Monstera in the corner, thinking, “I wish I had more of you,” now’s the time to act! Snip a cutting just below a leaf node, dip it in some rooting hormone, and plant it in moist soil.

The Waxing Moon’s Influence

As the moon transitions from a thin crescent to a glorious half-moon, its waxing phase is said to be a time of absorption, growth, and strength.

For your Monstera, this means it’s all systems go for leaf development and stem growth. The increasing moonlight not only adds a mystical ambiance to your night-time garden but also supports the plant in absorbing more nutrients and water.

This is the time to ensure your Monstera is well-watered (but not overwatered) and maybe even offer a dose of liquid fertilizer to encourage those iconic split leaves to unfurl.

Full Moon Flourishing

The Full Moon is the belle of the ball, casting its full, luminous glow upon the earth. This is when the moon’s gravitational pull is strongest, affecting the water content in the plants and potentially enhancing their growth processes.

It’s a time of high energy, vitality, and celebration. For your Monstera, this phase could mean a boost in leaf size and overall health.

Think of it as a monthly peak where your plant might just put on a growth spurt in honor of the moon’s full glory. To take advantage of this phase, consider aerating the soil around your plants to enhance water absorption and oxygen flow to the roots.

You may also apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to support and sustain the growth initiated during the waxing phase.

Waning Moon and Rest

After the high energy of the Full Moon, the waning phase is a period of decrease, reflection, and rest.

Just as the moon recedes night after night, it’s a signal for plants to focus energy on strengthening their roots rather than pushing out new growth.

For your green friend, this could be the ideal time for some tender loving care below the soil. Pruning, repotting, or simply inspecting the root system for signs of distress can be beneficial during this phase.

It’s like giving your plant a well-deserved rest after a busy period of growth, allowing it to consolidate its energy and prepare for the next cycle of expansion.

The diminished moonlight and gravitational pull are believed to aid in root development, making it easier for your Monstera to absorb water and nutrients.

Scientific Gaze on Lunar Gardening

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Is there actual science behind this?” Well, research has shown mixed results.

On one side of the garden fence, we have scientists who’ve rolled up their sleeves, diving into the nitty-gritty of lunar influence. They suggest that, yes, the gravitational pull of the moon, which affects ocean tides, might just have a subtle but significant impact on plant growth. They argue that just as the moon pulls the tides, it could also influence the water in plants, encouraging growth during certain lunar phases.

Then, there’s the other side, researchers who politely disagree. They’ve conducted their own experiments, crunching numbers and comparing growth charts, only to find no concrete evidence linking the moon’s phases to plant growth. According to them, plants grow due to a combination of soil quality, sunlight, water, and love (okay, maybe they don’t all mention love, but we know it’s important!).

So, what do you think? Is it time to moonlight as a lunar gardener? Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, there’s no denying the allure of adding a little celestial magic to your Monstera care routine. Why not give it a try and see what happens?