5 Signs Your Monstera Is Suffering from Humidity Stress: Key Symptoms and Fixes

By: Joanna
Post date:

Monstera plants, known for their lush foliage and tropical vibes, thrive in specific humidity levels. When those levels are off, the signs are unmistakable.

This guide will identify the five key symptoms of humidity stress in your Monstera and offer effective strategies to restore its health and vibrancy.

signs Monstera Is Suffering from Humidity Stress

Understanding Humidity Needs

Monsteras are tropical natives, loving nothing more than to bask in the naturally high humidity of Central and South America.

In your jungle (ahem… living room), humidity stress happens when your green buddy doesn’t get enough of the tropical air it craves. This can make your Monstera’s leaves go from perky to pitiful.

So, what can you as a devoted plant parent do?

Keep your eyes peeled for these numbers:

  • Ideal humidity range: 50-80%
  • Warm temps: above 60°F (16ºC)

Without enough humidity, your plant’s telling you, “I’m stressed!” It’s screaming for a little steam!

Keep scrolling to learn about the common signs that suggest your plant is stressed and explore ways to correct and prevent these concerns!

Signs of Humidity Stress

Let’s talk about visible signs.

#1 Brown Leaf Edges and Tips

The edges and tips of your Monstera turning brown and crispy are clear indicators of excessively dry air. Upon closer inspection, these brown areas can vary from tan to a darker shade, mimicking the appearance of overly toasted bread.

This condition suggests the plant is yearning for a more humid environment, which could prevent the leaf tips from resembling overcooked snacks.

#2 Curling Leaves

Leaves curling inward, taking on the appearance of miniature green tacos, signal a conservation effort to retain moisture. The degree of curling ranges from slight to severe.

Mild stress will have them curl just a bit, while severe stress has them tightly wound up. It’s like they’re giving themselves a hug to stay hydrated!

#3 Slow Growth or Stunted Growth

A Monstera not achieving expected growth milestones might be experiencing the effects of low humidity, leading to slowed or even stunted growth. This phenomenon is often not isolated but accompanies other stress indicators, forming a collective signal of environmental dissatisfaction.

Enhancing humidity levels could encourage the plant to resume its normal growth pace, breaking free from the constraints of stress-induced stagnation.

#4 Yellowing Leaves

Yellow leaves act as the plant world’s alarm system, hinting at possible underlying issues, with humidity stress being one of the common suspects.

However, it’s prudent to evaluate the broader environmental conditions affecting your Monstera before drawing conclusions. Identifying and addressing the root cause is essential for restoring the vibrant green hue of its foliage.

#5 Dry, Brittle Leaves

Leaves that emit a crackling sound upon touch are broadcasting their desperate need for humidity, far removed from the desirable texture of crisp linen.

Such leaves crave the moisture-rich air that fosters a leaf’s natural, salad-like freshness. Maintaining optimal humidity levels is crucial for ensuring the leaves remain pliable and robust, embodying the essence of a well-hydrated plant.

Related: Craft Your Own Monstera Humidifier

Prevention and Remediation

Let’s boost the moisture for your Monstera without much fuss.

Increasing Humidity

Ever tried a humidifier? They’re fantastic at giving your leafy friend that tropical vibe it’s craving.

Or, how about a pebble tray? Simply grab a tray, layer some stones, add water, and set your plant on top – as the water evaporates, it’s a mini spa day for your plant.

And don’t forget about the occasional misting; a spritz here and there mimics their natural habitat.

Last but not least try grouping plants for a microclimate.

When you group them, they create a tiny ecosystem that holds moisture in the air—just like their own little rainforest. It’s a simple trick to boost humidity without extra gadgets.

Monitoring Humidity Levels

Another way to prevent this is to play detective with a hygrometer. It’s like a thermostat, but for water vapor.

Your target is a humidity level between 50% to 80%. Keep it in sight, and you’ll always know if your plant’s getting the moisture it needs.

Routine Checks

Make it a habit to inspect your plant’s leaves regularly. If you spot any of the signs from above, jump into action with the humidity tricks you’ve learned.

Keep those gorgeous leaves happy, and you and your Monstera can leaf all your worries behind!