10 Common Monstera Growing Mistakes to Avoid

By: Joanna
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Have you ever found yourself staring at your Monstera, wondering why it’s not the lush, tropical centerpiece of your plant collection you dreamed it would be? You’re not alone.

In our quest for those perfect, dramatic fenestrations, it’s easy to overdo it or, worse, neglect an aspect of care vital to our green companion’s well-being. Understanding the do’s and don’ts of Monstera care is like decoding a secret language – once you know it, it all falls beautifully into place.

This article promises to arm you with the knowledge to dodge those common blunders many Monstera parents fall prey to. Let’s demystify these mistakes together and turn your Monstera into the envy of the neighborhood!


Have you caught your Monstera looking more like a crispy snack than a lush, tropical beauty? Underwatering could be the culprit!

What happens when you skimp on water? Well, for starters, the leaves can turn as brown and crispy as autumn leaves. But don’t just look for color cues – get hands-on!

Checklist for Thirsty Monsteras:

  • Soil Dryness: If your plant’s soil feels dry, it’s time to water.
  • Wilted Stems: They’ll start to droop like they just can’t even.
  • Slow Growth: Your Monstera’s growth will hit the brakes harder than you at a yellow light.

Here are some hydration hacks for your green buddy:

  1. Moisture Meter Magic: Use one of these gadgets to know exactly when your plant’s thirst needs quenching.
  2. Deep Drink Philosophy: Water deeply but infrequently, like a camel storing up for a desert trek.
  3. Perfect Pots and Soil: Equip yourself with well-draining soil and pots. Your Monstera’s roots despise soggy shoes.


Overwatering is the equivalent to spoiling your plant rotten—quite literally. When you overdo the H2O, you might notice your Monstera’s leaves turning a lackluster yellow.

The texture? Mushy like an overripe banana. In severe cases, roots wave goodbye to their health, inviting fungal gatecrashers partying at the expense of your green buddy.

Signs of overwatering:

  • Soil as soggy as morning cereal left out till lunch
  • Roots turning a ghastly brown, losing their firm handshake
  • An uninvited fungal guest popping up

Here’s your game plan to dry out the situation:

1. Check the soil’s mood before watering: Feel the soil. If it’s damp two inches down, hold off on that watering can.

2. Use pots with a great escape route: Ensure pots have drainage holes akin to escape tunnels for excess water.

3. ‘Winter is coming’ for your watering schedule: Watering frequency in winter? Slash it. Your plant’s thirst goes on a mini-holiday during the chill.

Improper Lighting

Too much sun Monsteras will crisp up, too little, and they go all spindly.

Too Much Light: When your Monstera starts to look more sunburnt than sun-kissed, that’s a cry for help. So let’s decode those leafy signals:

  • Sunburnt leaves: Think crispy edges and brown patches.
  • Faded colors: Leaves losing their vibrant green is like them saying, “I’m getting bleached over here!”
  • Curling edges: It’s like they’re trying to roll away from the sun.

Too Little Light: Now, if your Monstera is pulling a disappearing act with its leaf size and forgetting its lush green lines, it’s time to shine a light on the issue:

  • Yellowing leaves: They shouldn’t be going for the autumn look all year round.
  • Small and sparse leaves: When it looks like your Monstera’s on a leaf diet, that’s a no-no.
  • Leggy stems: Like a gangly teenager, stems stretch out seeking sunlight.

Just Right Light: To keep your Monstera from throwing shade, follow these luminous tips:

  • Place near a bright but indirect light source. Hint: North or east-facing windows are the sweet spot.
  • Direct sunlight? Nope. Unless you want to play “Spot the Sunburn.”
  • Dark room? Break out the artificial lights – think grow lights, not disco balls!

Inadequate Temperature

Monsteras are tropical charmers that prefer their environment just like their personality: warm and not too extreme.

Signs of High Temperature:

  • Wilting leaves
  • Brown spots
  • Dehydration

And what about the chills? Drooping leaves are like your plant’s way of saying it’s hugging itself for warmth. Spot some black marks? It’s not going goth; it’s likely too cold! And if Jack Frost paid a visit, you might see frost damage. No plant snowflakes, please!

Signs of Low Temperature:

  • Drooping leaves
  • Black spots
  • Frost damage

Keep your Monstera happy and avoid turning your living room into a plant sauna or igloo. It’s all about that cozy 65-85°F (18-30°C) life.

Here’s how you can keep the temperature just right:

  • Stay away from heat sources and cold drafts. Your plant isn’t a fan of that surprise sauna or unexpected ice bath.
  • Check the temp with a thermometer. Because guessing games are not fun for plants.
  • Humidifier to the rescue, especially when your indoor air resembles a desert.
  • Frost cloth? Yes, it’s like a snuggy for plants when the weather decides to go full winter wonderland.

Not Providing Support for Growth

Have you ever seen a Monstera plant that looks like it’s trying to escape its pot? If your Monstera’s stems are sprawling out like an octopus on land instead of reaching for the stars, it’s begging you for a lifeline—or more accurately, a climb-line.

Signs Your Monstera Needs a Helping Hand:

  • Stems on a sprawl
  • Drooping, sad-looking leaves
  • Roots that seem as weak as a weak cup of tea

Tips to Prop Up Your Plant Pal:

  • Stakes: Like a trusty sidekick, stakes give your Monstera something to lean on.
  • Trellises: Go fancy with a lattice-style friend that offers ample runway for climbing.
  • Moss Poles: They’re not just for moss! Monsteras love them too.
  • Other Structures: Get creative! A bookshelf or a custom-made frame can work wonders.

When choosing your plant’s new buddy, ensure it’s sturdy and tall enough to support future growth. Your Monstera has dreams of growing big and strong, after all.

Low Humidity

Monstera plants hail from the tropics, where they revel in a steamy, humid environment. Your cozy home might not be matching up to the rainforest vibes your green buddy needs, and that’s no joke for its health!

Signs Your Monstera is Thirsty for Humidity:

  • Tips of leaves looking more brown than your over-toasted bread?
  • Edges of the leaves crispier than your favorite chips?
  • Spider mites setting up camp?

Crack the Humidity Code:

  1. Misting: Grab a spray bottle and give your Monstera a gentle morning misting. Just like a light dew, it perks them right up!
  2. Social Circle: Plants are social butterflies too! Group them together and watch them create their own little humid microclimate.
  3. Pebble Tray: It’s as easy as pie. Water in a tray with pebbles + plant on top = instant spa day with evaporation at work.
  4. Humidifier: Want to be the coolest plant parent on the block? A humidifier might just be your Monstera’s new best friend.

Lack of Nutrients

Monstera plants need a balanced diet to strut their stuff. Without proper nutrients, they can become the wallflowers of the plant world – dull, pale, and let’s be honest, a little sad.

Witnessing some yellow leaves or slow growth? Your green buddy might be giving you a silent S-O-S for nutrients!

Here’s a quick checklist for spotting those cry-for-help signs:

  • Yellowing leaves, as if your Monstera has gone sepia tone
  • Growth slower than a snail on a lazy day
  • Leaves so small or deformed they could be mistaken for modern art

You can turn the plant frown upside down with some simple dining tips:

  1. Go for Goldilocks Feeding: Use a balanced, organic, liquid fertilizer – not too much, not too little, just right.
  2. Dilution is Key: Mix it like your favorite smoothie, following those label instructions to avoid a nutrient burn.
  3. Timely Treats: Indulge your leafy friend every two to four weeks during the growing season – that’s their buffet time!


Overfertilizing is like having too much of a good party—it can lead to a bad hangover for your plant. The signs? Think of them as your Monstera’s SOS signals.

  • Leaves Warning Signs:
    • Brown spots
    • Leaf drop
    • Wilted or curled leaves

Here’s the cheat sheet to avoid turning your green oasis into a fertilizer fiasco:

  1. Fertilizer Dosage: Always, and I mean always, follow the label directions. Those instructions are your road map to Monstera success.
  2. Strength Matters: Use a low-strength fertilizer. Because hey, you wouldn’t want to overwhelm your plant with a strong love potion, right?
  3. Flush It Out: Every few months, treat your soil to a spa day by flushing it with water. It helps to wash away any excess party leftovers (a.k.a. fertilizer salts).

Ignoring Pests and Diseases

Ignoring these uninvited guests can transform your Monstera from fab to drab real quick.

Common Culprits:

  • Spider mites: Tiny web-weavers that suck the life out of leaves.
  • Mealybugs: Fluffy white pests that throw sticky parties.
  • Scale: Hard-shelled squatters that are tough to evict.
  • Thrips: Slender pests that love to chomp on new growth.
  • Aphids: Green, greedy guts sucking sap like it’s going out of fashion.
  • Fungus gnats: The not-so-magical flying insects around your soil.
  • Root rot: Overwatering’s soggy gift, leading to a mushy demise.
  • Leaf spot: Fungal or bacterial fashion statements that you don’t want.
  • Bacterial wilt: A disease that turns your plant’s perk into a sad droop.

Preventative Tips:

  1. Inspect your plants like a detective at a crime scene.
  2. Clean the leaves like you’re prepping for a plant photoshoot.
  3. Isolate the sneezy from the healthy to avoid an outbreak.
  4. Choose your battles: natural remedies or chemical warfare?

In Case of Infection:

  • Natural remedies: Like neem oil, the plant-based bouncer for pests.
  • Chemical remedies: Pesticides: the big guns when it’s game over for bugs.
  • Prune the damage: Snip snip! Removing affected areas like a pro gardener.

Skipping Root Care

Your Monstera isn’t just a pretty face; those roots are the hidden heroes, and ignoring them can lead the plant to become rootbound. Imagine your feet squeezed into shoes two sizes too small—that’s your Monstera’s roots in a cramped pot.

Signs your Monstera’s roots are sending an SOS:

  • Roots peeking out: They’re playing hide-and-seek out of the drainage holes.
  • Thirsty soil: Even after a good drink, the soil dries out faster than your favorite series releases a new season.
  • Speedy runoff: Water zips through the pot like it found a slip-and-slide.
  • Stunted growth: Your Monstera’s growth rate could be competing with a snail.

Become a root whisperer with these tips:

  • Pot check-up: No annual appointment needed, but repot when your green buddy feels tight at home.
  • Soil matters: Treat roots to fresh, well-draining soil; they love a good pair of breathable shoes.
  • Spa day for roots: Give a trim to the excess or damaged roots—think of it as a root pedicure.
  • Sharing is caring: If your Monstera could use some space, consider dividing it into two. Now you have twins!