5 Best Companion Plants for Your Monstera: Enhance Your Urban Jungle!

By: Joanna
Post date:

Did you know that your Monstera can benefit significantly from having the right plant buddies? Companion planting is not just for outdoor gardens, it can actually enhance the well-being of your indoor plant family too.

Choosing the right companions for your Monstera can make your indoor jungle lush and more cohesive.

Think of these plants as roommates with benefits: they not only harmonize well with the aesthetic of your Monstera’s dramatic foliage but also support a healthier living environment.

We’ve gathered a list of the top five companion plants that will complement your Monstera and ensure it remains the centerpiece of your indoor plant collection.

monstera companion plants

Best Companion Plants for Your Monstera

  1. Peace Lily
  2. Snake Plant
  3. English Ivy
  4. Spider Plant
  5. Philodendron

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace Lily

Imagine a world where green meets the serene white of Peace Lily blossoms—yes, I know, that’d be a stunning due!

They’re both low-light lovers, making them the perfect match for that cozy nook away from the blaring sun.

Not to mention, their watering schedules harmonize like a well-conducted orchestra, simplifying the care routine for both.

Plus, the Peace Lily isn’t just a pretty face—it’s a NASA top-ten air purifier, whisking away toxins.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Snake Plant

Ever noticed how your Monstera’s leaves reach out wide? Well, pair it with a Snake plant’s upward thrust, and voilà, you’ve got yourself a plant duo that’s the epitome of height meets width.

With Snake plants, you don’t have to fret over a high-maintenance relationship. They’re pretty chill about water and light—just like a good roommate!

Did you know these stripy fellows also purify the air? Alongside your Monstera, they form an impressive team dedicated to air purification, working quietly to ensure you enjoy a cleaner, healthier environment.

So throw in different Snake plant varieties and watch your indoor garden come alive with an array of textures and hues.

English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English Ivy

English Ivy’s trailing vines weave an enchanting waterfall of greenery beside your Monstera, presenting a captivating contrast with its intricate leaves against the Monstera’s massive leaves.

A visual symphony that truly wows!

Not only does this duo enchant visually, but their shared affinity for light also unites them as an ideal match for soaking up the sun’s rays together.

English Ivy, with its air-purifying qualities, adds another layer of health and vitality to your indoor garden oasis.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider Plant

Spider Plant’s sprightly leaves and quaint flowers offer a jazzy contrast to the Monstera’s grandeur. They’re simpatico on the living conditions, so no drama there.

Bonus points—Spider plants are very easy to take care of and purify your air, too. And the coolest part?

Their babies, aptly named spiderettes, can start new plant families! Gardening just got a dose of excitement, didn’t it?



Philodendrons groove on the same wavelength with their love for that sweet spot of light and a sip from the water glass—ensuring they’ll never cramp your Monstera’s style.

Make sure they receive plenty of bright, indirect sunlight and maintain evenly moist soil, and you’ll have the best plant due!

Let’s talk aesthetics; mix and match these leafy friends, and you’ve got yourself a lush tapestry of greens that’s easy on the eyes.

Heart-Leaf or Verrucosum, Thaumatophyllum xanadu pick your Philodendron partner and invite the tropics right into the corner of your house.

Benefits of Monstera Companion Planting

Let’s talk about the benefits of having Monstera companion plants.

Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal

Visual Diversity: Pairing your Monstera with companion plants means an array of leaf shapes, colors, and textures. Mix and match and make your space uniquely you.

Design Depth: Utilize companion planting to create depth in your indoor garden. Think in layers. Shorter plants in the foreground, your Monstera commanding the center, with taller, leaner plants as a backdrop. With different heights, you get a living, breathing 3D landscape right at home.

Improved Plant Health

Mutual Support: When you choose companion plants with similar light and water needs, they can help maintain a consistent microclimate. This is beneficial for all involved – a little like having the right friends around to make you your best self.

Emotional and Psychological Benefits

Stress Reduction: Having a diverse collection of plants can actually lower your stress levels. Studies have shown that being around more greenery helps you relax.

Connection with Nature: Creating a mini indoor jungle does wonders for your mental well-being. It can boost happiness, spur on creativity, and give you a nurturing project to focus on.

Improved Air Quality

Air quality at home can be iffy, but here’s a breath of fresh air. Combine them with your Monstera, and you’ve got yourself an efficient little air-purifying squad.

They work alongside your Monstera not just for their good looks but for cleaner air to take it easy on your lungs. So, not only will your eyes thank you, but your health will too!