How to Clean Monstera Leaves: A Step-by-Step Guide to Leaf Polishing

By: Joanna
Last update:

Regularly cleaning and polishing your Monstera leaves can make a world of difference. Imagine the leaves absorbing light more efficiently, breathing better, and as a result, you witnessing a more vigorous plant.

Not to mention, those pristine leaves can become the focal point of any room, adding to your home’s serene ambiance. It’s not just about cleanliness; it’s also about plant care and room aesthetics.

But what’s the best way to go about this without harming the delicate foliage?

Fear not! Cleaning your Monstera leaves is simpler than one might expect. With the right tools and approach, you can make your Monstera plant look as if it’s just been plucked from the tropical forest floor.

clean monstera leaf

The Importance of Clean Monstera Leaves

Let’s explore why it’s so important to maintain clean leaves on your Monstera plant and how this helps keep it thriving.

Photosynthesis Efficiency

Photosynthesis is crucial for your plant’s growth, akin to how sunlight is vital on a clear day. However, dust on your Monstera’s leaves acts like smudges on sunglasses, blocking the light it needs. This reduction in light can hinder your plant’s ability to photosynthesize and grow.

Key Signs of Reduced Photosynthesis:

  • Yellowing leaves
  • Wilting
  • Curling edges

Studies show that clean leaves can absorb more light, driving up their photosynthesis efficiency. Even a seemingly insignificant layer can reduce light absorption by up to 30%. That’s almost a third of your plant’s food supply compromised!

Preventing Pests And Diseases

Dirt and dust are more than just an eyesore; they’re RSVPs for pests and diseases to party on your plant.

Common Culprits:

  • Spider mites: Little critters that spin fine webs
  • Mealybugs: Fluffy white pests hiding in leaf nooks
  • Scale insects: Hard-shelled buggers that stick like glue
  • Fungal infections: Spotty leaves that scream “Help!”

See some sticky residue or tiny webs underneath the leaves? It’s not a decoration; it’s a sign to spring into action. Spots, holes, or uninvited fluff mean bugs or fungus have crashed the party.

Improving Overall Plant Health

A clean leaf is a happy leaf and a happy plant is a thriving plant.

Benefits of a Healthy Monstera Plant:

  • Faster Growth: A well-cared-for Monstera will reward you with rapid growth.
  • Robust Flowers: The flowers, if they appear, will be stronger and more vibrant.
  • Improved Air Quality: Beyond aesthetics, Monsteras help filter the air you breathe.

So, how do you tell if your Monstera is the picture of health?

Assessing Plant Health:

  • Soil Moisture: Feel the soil. Is it too dry or just right?
  • Leaf Color: The lusher the green, the better.
  • Stem Strength: Gently press the stems. Firm stems mean a strong plant.


Let’s not forget, a sparkling clean Monstera not only feels happier and healthier, but it also makes your space look more beautiful.

  • Visually Striking: A well-polished leaf catches light, giving your plant a vivid glow.
  • Color Enhancement: Dirt and dust can make foliage look dull. Clean those leaves, and watch the colors pop—like a filter you didn’t know you needed!
  • Texture: A Monstera’s leaf surface is naturally glossy. By cleaning, you’re just bringing out what’s already there—a more textured, layered visual appeal that’s tactile gold.

Signs Your Monstera Leaves Need Cleaning

Dusty or Dull Appearance: Leaves looking like they’ve been through a dust storm? It means they’re likely covered in a thin layer of grime.

Reduced Light Penetration: When leaves lose their luster, it can be a sign that sunlight isn’t getting through as it should. This can affect your plant’s photosynthesis process.

Reduced Leaf Size or Shape: Spotting smaller-than-usual leaves, or ones that seem misshapen? This could be due to a buildup of dirt affecting their growth.

Reduced Leaf Splitting or Fenestration: Monstera is famous for its split leaves. A decrease in this natural fenestration may indicate that it’s time for cleaning.

Reduced Leaf Color or Vibrancy: If the once vibrant green of your Monstera is looking a bit lacklustre, a good cleaning might just perk it right up.

Presence of Pests or Diseases: Keep an eye out for any unwelcome critters or spots on the leaves, as these can be signs of pests or diseases that thrive on unclean surfaces.

Techniques for Cleaning Monstera Leaves

In this section, we’re going to dive into three handy methods for getting those Monstera leaves nice and clean.

Wiping Leaves With A Soft Cloth

Grab a soft cloth, and let’s get those leaves looking lush and dust-free.

Choosing the Right Cloth:

  • Microfiber: Super gentle and effective at trapping dirt.
  • Cotton: Soft and absorbent, a go-to for many plant lovers.
  • Flannel: Delicate and smooth, flannel won’t scratch your Monstera’s leaves.

Steps to Wipe Leaves Gently:

  1. Start at the Base: Begin wiping from the base of the leaf, moving towards the tip. This mimics the leaf’s natural growth direction and helps dislodge any dirt or debris.
  2. Circular Motions: Use gentle circular motions. It’s like massaging the leaf, coaxing out the grime without any damage.
  3. Both Sides Matter: Turn the leaf over and show the underside some love. The edges and veins deserve attention too — they can harbor sneaky dust particles.
  4. Leaf by Leaf: Move from one leaf to the next, and if your cloth starts to look like a modern art masterpiece in dirt, switch it out for a clean one.

Using A Spray Bottle For Gentle Cleaning

First things first, choose the right spray bottle:

  • Adjustable Nozzle: Can’t stress this enough! Go for one that allows you to switch between a fine mist and a stronger spray—they’re incredibly handy.
  • Fine Mist: This is a must. A fine mist is like a gentle morning dew, perfect for your Monstera.
  • Trigger Handle: Aim for a trigger that’s easy on the fingers. You wouldn’t want a hand cramp during your plant pampering session, right?

Now for the fun part – spraying those gorgeous leaves:

  1. Fill your bottle with either plain water or a leaf-cleaning solution if you’re feeling fancy.
  2. Test the mist on a paper towel. Nothing too aggressive; just a delicate spray to grace the foliage.
  3. Distance: Keep about 6 inches away. Monsters like their personal space too!
  4. Spray lightly and evenly. It’s more about grace, less about the monsoon.
  5. Wait for a moment; let the leaves drink in the goodness.
  6. Wipe gently with a soft cloth to reveal that natural shine. Remember, gentle circles, like you’re massaging the leaf.

The Shower Method

First things first, protect your plant’s soil from getting waterlogged. Gently lift your Monstera out of its pot and tuck it into a plastic bag, wrapping it snugly around the soil and base of the stem.

Secure it with a twist tie or rubber band—a little makeshift poncho for the roots!

Now, let’s move to the shower. We don’t want any leaf burns, so adjust that water to a comfortable lukewarm temperature. As for the shower pressure, think of it as a gentle summer rain—not too fierce—setting it to low or medium flow to keep those leaves safe.

Next, position your plant in the shower and let the water cascade over the foliage for about 5 minutes. Once the timer’s up, turn off the water and carefully remove the protective wrapping.

Final touches—gently pat the leaves dry with a soft cloth. Now, you can move your Monstera back to its favorite cozy corner of your home. It’s as simple as that!

Avoiding Common Cleaning Mistakes

Here’s a no-nonsense guide to steer clear of the common gaffes in Monstera leaf care:

  • Temperature Troubles: Be mindful of the water temperature. Your Monstera’s leaves are not a fan of extreme temps. Stick to lukewarm water to keep them happy.
  • Material Mishaps: A big no-no is reaching for that rough kitchen sponge. Opt for a soft cloth or a sponge that’s as gentle as a lamb!
  • Pressure Problems: Remember, you’re not kneading dough! Use a light touch to wipe away the grime without causing any stress to the leaf surface.
  • Water Woes: Striking the right balance is key. Too much water can lead to dripping, which may cause unwanted moisture issues. On the flip side, sparingly spritzing water won’t cut through the dust. Aim for a happy medium.
  • Chemical Conundrums: Your plant’s leaves can’t handle harsh chemicals. The rule of thumb is to avoid any cleaner with ingredients you can’t pronounce. Stick to mild, natural soaps or simply water.
  • Sticky Situations: Products that leave behind an oily or sticky residue are a no-go. They attract more dust and can clog the leaf pores. Keep it simple and clear.
  • Timing Tangles: How often should you clean? It’s a balance! Not too often to avoid wear, and not too rarely to prevent buildup. Make it part of your regular plant care routine.

By sidestepping these pitfalls, you’re on your way to mastering the art of Monstera leaf care.

What Is the Best Cleaning Solution for Monstera Leaves?

The key to giving your Monstera’s leaves that glossy look lies in a variety of options, from homemade concoctions to off-the-shelf cleaning sprays.

Let’s explore each solution.

Water & Gentle Dish Soap

A super easy yet effective method to get your Monstera leaves clean is just mixing some water with a bit of gentle dish soap.

What You’ll Need:

  • Lukewarm water
  • Mild dish soap
  • Clean cloth

Let’s Get Cleaning:

  1. Mix It Up: In a bowl, blend a few drops of mild dish soap with lukewarm water.
  2. Gentle Touch: Soak your cloth in the soapy water, then squeeze out the excess. Remember, a gentle hand is key here!
  3. Wipe with Care: Begin at the base of the leaf, wiping towards the tip. Tread lightly to avoid any leafy heartbreak. Warning: Tips: Avoid harsh scrubbing to prevent damage. Focus on both the upper and lower sides of the leaves.
  4. Rinse Off: After showing some love to each leaf, give it a gentle rinse with clean water. A soft pat with a dry cloth or paper towel will do just fine for drying.
  5. Repeat: Work your way through all the leaves, treating each one to this mini spa session.


Milk is great for removing dust and dirt while leaving a subtle shine that can make your leaves look as if they’ve just had a spa day.

Here’s how to get your Monstera leaves looking lush with milk:

  1. Gather Your Supplies:
    • Milk (whole or full-fat is best)
    • Clean cloth or cotton pad
  2. Cleaning Steps:
    • Pour a small amount of milk into a bowl.
    • Dip the cloth or pad into the milk.
    • Gently wipe each leaf, upper and lower sides.

Small Tip: Don’t overdo it with the milk; a little goes a long way.

Remember: Watch out for pesky residue. Too much milk left behind, and you might unintentionally host a tiny critter party (and we’re not talking the fun kind). Still, the air-drying should do the trick, keeping things clean and glossy.

Vinegar Solution

A simple vinegar solution might just be your new go-to for spick-and-span leaves. Here’s what you’ll need to make your Monstera leaves sparkle:

  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • Spray bottle

Steps to Clean with Vinegar:

  1. Mix it up:
    • Combine 1 part vinegar with 3 parts water in your spray bottle.
    • Secure the lid and shake well to mix.
  2. Spray away:
    • Lightly mist the leaves, but remember to avoid the leaf axils—they can be sensitive!
    • Keep the soil dry; we’re not making salad!
  3. Wiping time:
    • After a few minutes, grab a soft, clean cloth or use paper towels (we don’t judge).
    • Gently wipe the leaves, tackling both the top and bottom to show some love to the often-neglected underside.
  4. Repeat:
    • Continue the process for each leaf.
    • Enjoy the satisfying shine you’re bringing back to your plant buddy!

Just like that, you’re done!

Olive Oil & Lemon Juice

Olive oil is a fantastic moisturizer that leaves your Monstera looking lush, and when merged with the zesty powers of lemon juice, it doesn’t just clean; it leaves a fresh, invigorating scent behind.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Olive oil
  • Lemon juice
  • A clean cloth or cotton pad

Now, let’s get to the mix:

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

Here’s how you’ll work that magic:

  1. Pour the olive oil and lemon juice into a small bowl, stirring this little concoction up.
  2. Dip your cloth or cotton pad lightly into the bowl—a little dab’ll do ya.
  3. Gently wipe each leaf clean, being careful to treat your Monstera like the delicate beauty it is.
  4. Keep an eye on the amount; too much can create a sticky billboard for pests or trigger a fungal disco.
  5. After you’ve covered all ground (or leaf, in this case), allow the leaves to air dry, basking in their newfound glory.
  6. If any mix remains, just a soft touch with a clean cloth can buff it away.
  7. Remember, the undersides of the leaves deserve love too!

Store-Bought Leaf Shine Spray

Grabbing a leaf shine spray from the store is another way to get those Monstera leaves looking glossy in no time.

What You Need:

  • Leaf shine spray (your brand of choice)
  • Clean cloth or paper towel


  1. Shake it up: Get your leaf shine spray and give it a good shake—just like you’re mixing your favorite mocktail.
  2. Spritz with finesse: Hold the bottle a few inches away from the foliage and mist lightly. Make sure you don’t drench those stunning leaves, especially avoid the nooks and crannies (leaf axils) and the soil—it’s not a shower time for them!
  3. Wait for the magic: Let the spray do its trick for a few minutes while you admire your green friend.
  4. Gentle touch: With a soft cloth or a paper towel, gently wipe each leaf.
  5. All-around care: Remember, the underside of the leaves needs love too. It’s easy to overlook, but it’s a hotspot for dust.

Things To Avoid

When you’re prepping for a leaf-polishing day, remember these no-nos to keep them happy and healthy:

Chemicals to Shun:

  • Absolutely not too harsh cleaners like bleach, ammonia, or alcohol. These are way too strong and can lead to heartbreak in the form of burnt or discolored leaves.

Products That Suffocate:

  • Avoid stuff with silicone, wax, or petroleum. These can block the tiny pores on the leaves, making it tough for them to breathe and soak up that sweet sunlight.

Watch That Water Temp:

  • Stick to lukewarm water. Why? Because water that’s too hot or cold might shock those pretty leaves, causing them to think they’re in some leafy horror movie.

Damp Disaster:

  • Go easy on the water. A gentle wipe is your friend, while soaking can invite uninvited guests like fungus and bacteria.

Sunlight Scenario:

  • Keep those leaves out of direct sunlight just after cleaning. They’re sensitive now and could sunburn, fading from their gorgeous green.