10 Secret Hacks to Boost Monstera Leaf Size

By: Joanna
Post date:

Are you staring at your Monstera, wondering why its leaves aren’t quite the jungle-sized foliage you had envisioned? It’s no secret that these tropical beauties captivate with their lush, expansive leaves.

And if your Monstera’s leaves are staying on the smaller side, it’s time to turn things around.

Luckily, you’re in the right place! I’m going to share with you 10 secret hacks that will help you make your Monstera leaves bigger.

Get set for super-sized, show-stopping leaves! You’re about to become a Monstera muscle coach.

big monstera leaf

#1 Balancing Sunlight and Shade for Optimal Growth

Monstera thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. But what does that look like? Imagine a spot near a window that’s bathed in light, yet shielded from the harsh rays of direct sunlight.

Here’s a quick cheat sheet to Monstera lighting to get you started:

Light TypeMonstera’s Reaction
Bright IndirectPromotes large, healthy leaves
Direct SunlightCan damage leaves, avoid!
Filtered LightIdeal for gentle illumination
InsufficientPoor growth, smaller leaves

By providing 8-11 hours of bright, indirect light daily, you’re on track to maximize leaf size.

Have a darker corner? No worries, striking a balance with artificial lights can keep your Monstera from slacking off.

#2 Creating a Humid Haven for Your Monstera

Monsteras love the steamy life, much like the tropical forests they come from. So, aiming for higher humidity levels can make a big difference in leaf size.

Quick Tips to Upping the Humidity:

  • Group Your Green Friends: Place several plants together. They’re social and help each other out by releasing moisture.
  • Humidifier to the Rescue: An easy win! Toggle the humidifier on to maintain consistent humidity levels.

Additional Tips:

  • Kitchens and bathrooms usually have higher humidity. It’s a potential spot for your Monstera to chill.
  • A gentle spritz on the leaves mimics a tropical rain—refreshing!

If you’re someone who enjoys gadgets, consider a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels. It’s like giving your Monstera a personal weather station.

#3 Choosing the Best Fertilizer Strategy

Next, fertilizers. It’s crucial to select a fertilizer that fits your Monstera’s cravings for certain nutrients. Let’s talk ratios: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K)—these are your plant’s BFFs for growth.

Look for a balance in the ratio, often reflected in formulas like 3-1-2 or a balanced 2-2-2 ratio.

  • Nitrogen is like the energy drink for your Monstera, fueling those lush, green leaves.
  • Phosphorus ensures strong roots and helps in blooming if your Monstera ever decides to surprise you with a flower.
  • Potassium keeps your plant’s overall wellbeing in check.

Here’s what you need to watch out for, though:

  • Over-fertilizing: More isn’t always merrier. Too much can cause burn and damage, making your Monstera’s leaves wilt rather than flourish.
  • Under-fertilizing: Your plant will starve for nutrients, leading to smaller leaves.

Related: How To Clean Monstera Leaves

#4 Enhancing Soil Composition

Soil composition is like creating a gourmet meal for your plant, where every ingredient matters.

Key Ingredients for Your Monstera’s Feast:

  • Potting Soil: It’s your base, like the flour in a cake. Aim for about 40%.
  • Perlite: Think of this as the rising agent, giving your mix breathability. A good measure is 20%.
  • Peat Moss: Adds acidity while retaining moisture. Just a dash at 10%.
  • Orchid Bark or Coco Coir: Imagine little sponges in the soil, holding water but not too much! They should make up about 20%.
  • Activated Charcoal: Here’s the detox for your soil—keeping it fresh with 5%.
  • Worm Castings: This is the multivitamin, enriching the soil with nutrients at another 5%.

Why this mix? Well, it’s all about aeration and drainage—two must-haves for boosting leaf size. Your Monstera needs to breathe and drink without getting waterlogged.

Here’s a quick list to check the soil’s got it all:

  • Drains Well: No soggy roots here.
  • Breathable: Roots love oxygen as much as we do.
  • Nutrient-Rich: Like a buffet for your Monstera.

#5 The Golden Rules of Monstera Hydration

Strike a balance hydration and your Monstera’s leaves will thank you by growing big and bold. Here’s the lowdown on hydration heaven for your leafy pal:

  • Regular Watering: Your Monstera craves consistency. Aim to water when the top inch of soil feels dry. How often is that? Typically once a week, but trust your fingers—if the soil’s dry, it’s time to hydrate!
  • Overwatered Monstera vs. Underwatered Monstera: Too much love in the form of water can lead to root rot, a no-go for leaf growth. On the flip side, underwatering will stunt those leaves. Keep an eye out for droopy or yellow leaves—they’re SOS signals from your plant.

#6 Strategic Pruning

Selectively pruning your Monstera is your green thumb’s secret to coaxing out those envy-inducing large leaves. But let’s snip the guesswork and get right to the point.

First things first, timing. When should you wield those pruning shears? The best window for pruning is during the growing season – spring and summer. This is your Monstera’s time to shine, and pruning can give it that extra boost to focus energy on leaf growth rather than spreading it thin.

Pruning with Purpose. We’re talking quality over quantity. Here’s the deal:

  • Remove the old or weary: Snip away any yellow or damaged leaves at the base of their stem. It’s like telling your plant, “Hey, don’t waste energy here!”
  • Direction matters: Want your Monstera to expand in a certain direction? Prune accordingly. Envisioning is key.
  • The growth aftermath: After pruning, expect a surge of new energy directed at the remaining leaves, rewarding you with sizeable foliage.

#7 Utilizing Growth Stimulants and Supplements

Introducing growth stimulants and supplements can give your Monstera a magnificent leafy spread. Let’s dive into how you can supercharge your plant’s growth with these nifty tricks!

Seaweed Extract: A sprinkle of the ocean’s best!

  • This gem is natural and nutrient-rich, providing a cocktail of micronutrients essential for robust growth.
  • You can mix it in water according to the package instructions and apply it during watering. Easy does it!

Mycorrhizal Fungi: Root’s little helpers.

  • These fungi form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots, aiding in nutrient and water uptake.
  • You can simply sprinkle the fungi powder into the soil or add it when repotting—think of it as your Monstera’s underground networking event!

Safety First:

  • Beware of overdoing it. Always follow the label instructions to prevent any harm to your precious plant.

#8 Choosing the Right Support for Your Monstera

If you want your Monstera to truly let its leaves unfurl to their impressive full potential, support is essential. Training your Monstera to climb allows them to develop those stunning, large leaves that catch everyone’s eye.

When selecting a support system, consider a moss pole. Here’s why:

  • Aerial roots: Monsteras have aerial roots craving something to grab onto. A moss pole mimics their natural climbing habits.
  • Moisture: Moss holds moisture, which is a boon, as these aerial roots absorb water and nutrients through them.

Not a fan of moss poles? No problem! Trellises are another attractive option:

  • Versatility: You can find various designs to complement your home décor.
  • Space: Trellises give your Monstera ample room to spread its roots and leaves.

#9 Experimenting with Leaf Misting

Have you ever wondered if a fine spray could leave your Monstera leaves not just cleaner, but also larger? It’s all about hydration and creating a micro-environment that mimics their natural, humid habitat.

Here’s what you need to know:

Foliar feeding is like a nutrient-packed smoothie for your plant’s leaves. It’s a process where you spray a diluted fertilizer solution directly onto the foliage, giving your plant a direct boost of nutrients. This can potentially help increase leaf size due to better nutrition absorption.

Homemade foliar spray recipe:

  • 2 Tablespoons of Epsom salt
  • 1 gallon of water
  • A dash of amore for your green buddy (just kidding about the amore, but a little love never hurts)
  1. Mix the Epsom salt into the water until fully dissolved.
  2. Transfer it to a spray bottle.
  3. Mist your Monstera leaves early in the morning once or twice a month.

#10 Setting Up the Perfect Temperature

Ideal Temperature Range

Your Monstera is like a pampered house cat, preferring its surroundings to be comfortable, not too hot and not too cold.

Aim to keep your room within 68-86°F (20°C-30°C) during growing months. This range encourages those beautiful, big leaves we all desire.

  • Winter Tip: Keep temperatures above 50°F (10°C) to avoid stunting growth.
  • Summer Tip: Don’t let it get too toasty. A maximum of 86°F (30°C) keeps your Monstera happy.

Seasonal Adjustments

You wouldn’t wear a sweater in July, right? Same goes for your Monstera! Keep an eye on seasonal shifts and adjust your thermostat accordingly.

  • Spring/Summer: Promote growth with warmer temperatures within the ideal range.
  • Fall/Winter: Cooler, not cold, temperatures can help your Monstera rest before the next growth spurt.