5 Reasons to Train Your Monstera to Climb: Unlocking Full Potential

By: Joanna
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Have you ever watched your Monstera reach for the sky and wished it could climb higher? These tropical beauties are natural climbers, in their rainforest homes gripping onto larger trees as they reach for sunlight.

By introducing supports, you give your Monstera something to hold onto, mimicking their natural environment, which promotes their vertical growth and the development of larger, more mature leaves.

Not only does a sturdy framework encourage those fenestrated leaves to flourish, but it also helps maintain your plant’s health. A trained Monstera doesn’t just sit pretty; it develops stronger stems and roots, leading to an overall healthier plant.

So, how do you train Monstera to climb?

As someone who’s been in the trenches of Monstera care for over a decade, I’ve seen firsthand the difference a climbing aid can make. Now, don’t get me wrong, patience is key, and it’s not an overnight transformation.

Reasons To Train Your Monstera Plant To Climb

Let’s explore common reasons for you should train your Monstera plant to climb.

Happier and Healthier Plant

Monstera’s aerial roots are like little sponges. When you provide a structure for your plant to climb, these roots latch on and soak up extra moisture and nutrients. This little trick helps your plant get more of what it craves to thrive.

Results? Here’s what you can expect:

  • Bigger Leaves: We’re talking large, impressive foliage. The kind that makes you feel like you’ve brought the jungle indoors.
  • Fenestrations: Those stylish holes and splits in the leaves? They’re called fenestrations, and climbing Monsteras tend to showcase more of them, adding to the wow-factor.
  • Robuster Stems: A strong stem supports more growth and keeps your plant looking lush and sturdy.

However, this isn’t about rapid, overnight change. It’s about steady growth and patiently nurturing your Monstera into its best self. A little support goes a long way in bringing out the full potential of those amazing leaves.

Improves Air Quality

Training your Monstera to climb not only adds a touch of green elegance to your space but also works tirelessly to purify the air you breathe.

How does it work?

  • Monstera is no ordinary plant; it has a superpower. It filters out airborne toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene.
  • During photosynthesis, Monsteras take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, refreshing the air in your home.

Impact on Health:

  • Improved air quality leads to better lung health and overall vitality.
  • Cleaner air means fewer air-borne allergens, reducing the risk of allergies and respiratory issues.
  • A breath of fresher air helps boost your mood and energy levels.

Quick Numbers. Here, let’s look at some quick stats:

  • Monsteras can remove up to 78% of airborne toxins within 24 hours.
  • Oxygen output is increased by up to 5% in rooms with climbing Monsteras.

Isn’t it remarkable how a simple plant climbing your living room wall could make such a difference in your health?

Mimics Natural Habitat

In the wild, Monsteras love to climb up trees, using their aerial roots to hitch a ride toward the sunlight.

Who knew that reaching new heights could bring such joy to a plant’s life? Here’s what you’re fostering when your Monstera gets its climb on:

  1. A reminder of their ancestral home.
  2. Support for leaf expansion and lushness.
  3. A chance for aerial roots to thrive by attaching to a stable structure.

Remember, no need to summon the spirit of the rainforest with a rain dance—your Monstera will feel right at home with some vertical real estate to explore!

Increases Space Efficiency

Saves Floor Space: When your monster learns to ascend, you reclaim precious square footage. Instead of pots sprawling across your rooms, vertical climbing allows for more furniture or just sweet, open space.

Reduces Overcrowding: Got a jungle vibe going on? Training your monster to climb means each plant has its own spot up high, preventing that crowded, cluttered look.

Enhances Aesthetic Appeal

Have you ever walked into a room and just wow! That feeling often comes when something catches your eye, like a Monstera plant effortlessly climbing a wall or trellis.

It’s true — training your monster, or should we say, Monstera, to climb can transform any space from “meh” to mesmerizing.

Why does this work? Simple: plants bring life to our four walls, and a climbing Monstera adds a vertical dimension that taps into our love for nature’s beauty.

How Monstera Climbs In Nature

Monstera, your favorite jungle giant, is quite the natural climber. But have you ever wondered how these plants reach for the stars?

  • Aerial Roots: They grow out from the stem, reaching toward nearby supports.
  • Support: Typically trees, but it can be any vertical structure.
  • Gripping: Once contact is made, the roots adhere to the surface.

Monstera’s secret to avoiding sunlight (weird, right?)—negative phototropism—directs those roots away from light, pushing the plant to grow toward the dark, sturdy trees that serve as support.

And fenestrations, those stylish holes in the leaves? A brilliant design! As Monstera ages, these holes help reduce wind resistance and allow light to pass through to the lower leaves during its upward journey.

Tools And Materials For Training Monstera To Climb

But how exactly can you help your Monstera reach new heights in your home? Let’s explore the tools and materials that can support your green buddy’s upward journey.

Coir Poles

Coir poles are sturdy supports for your monster plant, wrapped in coconut fiber, known as coir. They mimic a more natural environment, letting your leafy friend climb with zeal!


  • Natural & Organic: Coir is a sustainable resource that your plants will love.
  • Moisture Retention: Coir keeps the roots happily hydrated.
  • Promotes Root Growth: Your climbing monster will latch on and flourish.


  • Costly Affair: These poles can be pricier than other supports.
  • Scarce Sometimes: Not every garden shop has them.
  • Mold Risks: If too wet, they can harbor unwanted mold.

Tips for Use and Maintenance:

  1. Watering: Keep it moist, but not soaked.
  2. Pruning: Help your plant focus its energy on growing upwards.
  3. Replacement: Over time, just get a new one when it starts to look worn.

Moss Poles

Unlike coir poles, moss poles come without the hefty price tag. Plus, they’re everywhere.

Need one quick? Just hop online or dash to your nearest garden center. Their ubiquity is a major plus; you won’t have to embark on a treasure hunt everytime you need one.

However, there’s a trade-off. These mossy sticks aren’t the sturdiest out there. They tend to be less durable, and your green giant’s new ladder will need a refresh now and then.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Soak ’em: Before you introduce the pole to your plant, give it a good soak. This makes the moss nice and moist—a texture plants go gaga for.
  • Wrap it up: You want to ensure the plant’s tendrils can grab hold easily, so give the pole a snug wrap with the moss.
  • Secure it: Your plant’s gonna pull all its weight on this pole, so plant it firmly in the soil. Use ties or stakes to keep everything in place.

Wooden Trellises

Wooden trellises are grid-like frameworks typically used in gardens to support plants, but they can be repurposed for training your pet monster to scale heights.

Benefits of Wooden Trellises:

  • Sturdy support: They’re strong enough to hold your monster’s weight.
  • Design versatility: You can pick from an array of shapes and sizes!
  • Aesthetic appeal: They add a touch of class to any lair.

Despite these upsides, wooden trellises do have a few caveats. They’re not light as a feather—quite heavy, actually, and installing one could be your daily workout! Plus, they take up a fair bit of space.

Maintenance Tips:

  1. Measuring Up: Get your measurements right for the perfect fit.
  2. Attachment: Secure your trellis firmly; you don’t want it to be a monster’s tumble tower.
  3. Protection: A good stain or paint can keep it weather-resistant and snazzy.

Wall Hooks And Fishing Line

Wall hooks are anchored fixtures you can install on walls, while a fishing line is a strong, thin line often used for fishing but is excellent for training climbing plants.

Using these tools provides a nifty solution:

  • Budget-friendly
  • Modern aesthetic
  • Efficient in tight spaces

But they’re not perfect either:

  • Can handle only limited weight
  • Potential for wall damage
  • May restrict growth breadth

Here’s a quick setup guide:

  1. Mark your spot: Decide where you want your monster to climb.
  2. Drill carefully: Make a pilot hole for your wall hooks.
  3. Tie the line: Secure the fishing line to your hooks.

And for maintenance:

  1. Regularly check hook stability.
  2. Adjust the tension of the fishing line.
  3. Keep an eye on growth patterns.

Bamboo Stakes

Bamboo stakes bring a touch of the tropics right into your training space. Let’s dig into why these natural assistants could be (or not) your next training staple.

Benefits of Bamboo Stakes:

  • Eco-Friendly: Made from fast-growing bamboo, these stakes are as green as it gets.
  • Aesthetics: They create an exotic ambiance for your climbing space.
  • User-Friendly: Their lightweight design means you can rearrange training setups with ease.


  • Durability: Bamboo can rot or become less sturdy, especially if exposed to the elements.
  • Safety Concerns: Beware of splinters! Over time, bamboo can break and create sharp edges.

Maintenance Tips:

  1. Cutting: Size them according to your monster’s climbing abilities.
  2. Inserting: Plunge them deep enough into the ground or your chosen base to ensure stability.
  3. Securing: Use ties or clamps to ensure your monster won’t experience a stakeout!

Troubleshooting Common Issues In Climbing

When you’re coaching your Monstera to scale walls or trellises, you might hit a few snags. Let’s iron out those climbing kinks together.

Stickiness Struggle

  • Issue: Your Monstera’s aerial roots aren’t gripping.
  • Solution: Patience is key. Provide a moss pole or a surface like a trellis coated in peat for better adherence. Still being stubborn? Secure stems with soft ties temporarily.

Growth Guidance

  • Lost as to where to lead those limbs?
  • Way to Go: Encourage vertical growth by directing the stems upward and securing them gently. Keep the vines aiming for the stars – they’ll get the hint.

Moisture Matters

  • Dry as a desert? Your Monstera’s aerial roots crave humidity.
  • Quick Fix: Mist the aerial roots to promote their natural clinging instinct. Consider a humidifier for a tropical vibe.

Nutritional Needs

  • Skipping Meals: A malnourished Monstera won’t reach its climbing potential.
  • Feeding Finesse: Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every month during the growing season to fuel those climbing quests.

Remember, every plant has its own pace and preference. Stick with it, and you’ll have a Monstera scaling heights like a pro!

Happy climbing!